Product and Features Contact us
Partial Features, benefits and options:
- Highly Sheltered due to the design and set back tap. Sealed when shut.
- No splashing nor puddles after running. Water drains inward for drainage control. 2-way draining.
- Sample taps are 40+inches from the ground. Shelves inside and a flat large roof is convenient to field personnel.
- All Water Sampling Hydrants/ Stations can accept a pad lock. Modifications welcome.
- Streamlined stainless steel plumbing package make this a plug and play installation.
- All materials are NAF/ANSI 61 compliant.
- ASK about our telemetry options.
APPREARANCE OF SAMPLE STATIONS & OTHER UTILITES REFLECT HOW CONSUMER VIEWS YOUR COMMINTMENT TO WATER QUALITY. THESE UNITS ARE LONG LIFE-CYLE AND LOW MAINTENANCE. A certified by the Public Utilities Commission as a MWBE firm (via the Supplier Clearinghouse. Find us with certification no. VON Number 3CN00039 or 3CN00039.4.